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Reloading the 400 COR®BON

SWC= Semi-WadCutter, FMC= Full Metal Case, JSP= Jacketed Soft Point JHP= Jacketed Hollow Point for the .400 COR®BON)

Loads for .400 COR®BON directly from COR®BON
(Note: Some ARE MAXIMUM loads, you should use 10% less to start or use starting load shown)
(See note on Powders below or read all about various Powders.)
Bullet size is .400″ in diameter. Due to different barrel lengths, type of bullet, seating depth, primer type and other factors, you may not get near the FPS charted. It is just a guide and the reason you should start UNDER MAX charges and work up.

This is a new cartridige. It is a .45 ACP necked down to a .40 caliber (10mm). Says COR®BON: “It was the goal of designer Peter Pi to make this cartridge design simple and functional. For most guns a simple drop-in barrel is all that is needed to convert a .45 ACP to the 400 COR®BON. It is possible to make the 400 COR®BON from existing (new) .45 ACP brass, however formed brass with the correct headstamp is available from Starline and is recommended. Because the 400 COR®BON headspaces off the shoulder, it is important to maintain a distance from base to shoulder midpoint (datum line) of min. .717″, max. .725″. This dimension should be monitored carefully throughout the forming or sizing process. We suggest that a tight bullet crimp be used. A roll crimp gives a much more effective hold than a taper crimp and is highly recommended. It is usually not necessary to bell out the case mouth for bullet seating. Excessive belling of the case mouth may make it difficult to maintain a strong tension on the bullet when crimping. Overall length of finished cartridge should be no longer than 1.225″.”

400 COR®BON Bullet size is .400″ (10mm-jacketed) in diameter.

135 grain JHP (COR®BON, Speer or Hornady)
V N3408.5 gr.1,300 FPS (start)
V N3409.7 gr.1,400 MAXIMUM
HS-611.5 gr.1,240 (start)
HS-612.5 gr.1,350 MAXIMUM
WAP10.0 gr.1,260 (start)
WAP11.0 gr.1,400 MAXIMUM
WSF8.5 gr.1,200 (start)
WSF9.8 gr.1,325 MAXIMUM
Universal8.2 gr.1,260 (start)
Universal9.0 gr.1,400 MAXIMUM
W 54012.0 gr.1,300 (start)
W 54012.7 gr.1,400 MAXIMUM
150-155 grain JHP (COR®BON, Speer or Hornady)
V N10511.2 gr.1,150 FPS (start)
V N10512.0 gr.1,250 MAXIMUM
WAP9.8 gr.1,225 (start)
WAP10.5 gr.1,310 MAXIMUM
WSF7.8 gr.1,150 (start)
WSF8.2 gr.1,250 MAXIMUM
AA No. 713.0 gr.1,250 (start)
AA No. 714.0 gr.1,300 MAXIMUM
165 grain JHP (COR®BON, Speer or Hornady)
V N10510.5 gr.1,125 FPS (start)
V N10511.2 gr.1,250 MAXIMUM
WSF7.6 gr.1,050 (start)
WSF8.2 gr.1,150 MAXIMUM
AA No. 59.0 gr.1,025 (start)
AA No. 510.0 gr.1,200 MAXIMUM

“The 400 COR®BON is a new cartridge design. While extensive testing has been done by COR®BON Bullet Co., it has not been possible to test these loads in guns and/or barrels manufactured by all companies. It is extremely important that you begin with the starting loads and test these loads in your gun. Estimated chamber pressure for these loads was obtained by an Oehler Reserach Model 43 and appropriate test barrels. Do not use handloads developed by someone else. “

Bullet weights over 165 grains have not proven to be effective in this cartridge and SHOULD NEVER BE USED. No testing has been done using cast bullets of hard or soft lead. LOAD DATA IS FOR JACKETED BULLETS ONLY.”

COR®BON Bullet Co. has no control over the handloading process and thus makes no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, limited or full to performance or safety of any data presented herein. COR®BON Bullet Co. cannot and does not accept any liability, either expressed or implied, for results of damage or injury arising from or alleged to have arisen from the use of the data presented herein, or based on strict product liability or principle of indemnity or contribution. COR®BON Bullet Co. neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for it any liability in connection with the use of this information.

“Information presented herein is specific only for the 400 COR®BON and does not constitute a reloading manual. This information must be used in conjunction with a properly trained and experienced reloader or gunsmith.”

“400 COR®BON is a registered trademark of COR®BON, Inc. All references to this cartridge must use the proper name of 400 COR®BON. Any copies of this information and data MUST contain this information and disclaimer.”

Power Pistol, Bullseye, Unique and 2400 are products of Alliant (formerly Hercules) Powders.
Clays, Universal, HP38, HS6 and H4895 are products of Hodgdon Powders.
IMR 3031 and IMR 4895 are products of IMR (formerly DuPont) Powder Company.
No. 2, No. 5, No. 7, No. 9, #2230, and #2460 are products of Accurate Arms Company
WAP (Winchester Action Pistol), WMR, WSF, WSL, 760, 748, 231 and 540 are products of Winchester, Components Div.
N-340, N-105, and N-320 are products of VihtaVuori Oy Company.

References: Data Sheet directly from COR®BON, – – Accurate Arms Co. 1996 Reloading booklet – – Alliant Powder Co. Reloaders’ Guide (1995) – – Hodgdon’s Basic Reloaders Manual (1996) – – Speer Reloading Manual, #12 – – Winchester Reloading Components Manual, 14th edition – – Lyman Piston & Revolver Reloading Handbook, 2nd edition. – – VihtaVuori Oy Company, reloading booklet (1995) – – Numerous magazine articles on reloading special calibers and personal loads where noted.

Picture of MD Smith

MD Smith

MD Smith has had a storied career from his family broadcasting AM radio business, to his 36 year career in TV broadcasting. He is a published fiction and non-fiction writer, earned his pilots license in 1965, and is the original founder of Reload Ammo in 1996. His loads have been successfully tested and used by others for more than 25 years.

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